Saturday, November 29, 2008


Daddy's Toolbox review
That whole parenting thing is very confusing. The fact that babies don't come with manuals was a cliche even before Britney Spears' mother used that as an excuse, but it's one cliche that happens to be true. What makes it worse is that everyone with a 2-week-old baby offers advice to the parent of a one-week-old.

And the advice contradicts an advice from another parent. Not to mention well-meaning grandparents. And not to mention an unhealthy obsession with milestones.

When it comes down to it, all we can do is our best, while hoping for the best.

Jeff, of Daddy's Toolbox, is searching for advice on the best way to make his son wear a coat. He wants to be a hip daddy. He wants to be a fulfilled individual while dedicating as much time as he can to his kids.

Parenting is not easy, and even if it did come with a manual, who'd have time to read it? We improvise, and sometimes we make mistakes. And sometimes great things happen.

Unspoken Excitement

Sunday, November 16, 2008


discovering dad
Man, how do people come up with stuff? I mean, this design takes blogging a few steps forward. Three columns of text could be borderline unreadable, but Discovering Dad is absolutely beautiful. On the left are the posts (the top one changes around every few seconds), the narrow middle column is for whatevers, like polls and a few ads, and a random blog "Surprise Me" button which I have to get, and on the right are pictures, comments, and videos. I'm so jealous.

The guy is serious. With this blog and with another blog (Husbands and Dads), Jeremy stays true to his wish to promote the "interactive nature of blogs, so it will always be a focal point of the site."

discovering dad

Saturday, November 8, 2008


doodaddyYou know what? I'm sure if I dug enough I would have found his real name. But for now it will remain Doodaddy. He is married to Working Mom. They have a daughter called Boobaby, and another one on the way, with the working title Blueberry.

By the way, if you want to be the one responsible for the great success of this new baby, you have about 11 days to suggest a name (or bid for one).

What else? The best use of Twitter I've seen so far, writing what Boobaby does:
Sung: "Grandma POOPS! Grandma POOPS! Grandma poops all day!" 2 days ago
And a list of her imaginary friends (the girl, not the pooping grandma).

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