In the past year, many good bad and ugly people have tried to define me. "Hey, everyone else is writing a story about stay-at-home-dads! Get on it!"
And they did. We were poker-playing monkeys for these journalistic zoologists. And what offended them most was our presumptuousness. How dare we try to define ourselves? Don't we know there are people who are paid to define us?
Marie Claire called us trophy husbands and status symbols, Dr. Laura said we destroy marriages, David Brooks said we weren't nurturing, and The Atlantic said we simply weren't necessary.
But finally, Josh Levs from CNN let a few blogging fathers have their say. Finally, fathers get to talk about daddy-blogging in particular and about modern parenthood in general. Unfortunately, what should have been a positive piece has turned into a ridiculous attack on blogging fathers and on stay-at-home fathers.
Here's some of the video.
Now, I'm saying the video above is some of the video because the actual CNN video includes a great line from Drew Griffin, CNN's own mustache-free Ron Burgundy. The three CNN hosts talk about the bad economy, and Griffin says, "Fortunately, we haven't been turned into stay at home dads just yet."
Other than this keeper, there are enough comments from Griffin to warrant the title of this post. He suspects, for example, that fathers don't read these blogs. Not sure where he gets that one from. Oh, and stay-at-home-dads shouldn't waste time writing and reading blogs, because they should spend their time watching their kids. Well, actually I have some spare time and I spend it reading and writing blogs. Or as I said on Twitter: