Monday, April 16, 2012

The Precious Twos

My girl has just turned two, which is a great age, no matter what THEY say. She's still loving and dependent and filled with wonder. Next year she'll be three, which is the age my son learned to say, "I HATE you!" I can live with that, don't get me wrong, but I don't mind savoring the precious twos for as long as I can.

When I leave her for a second, she quickly gets distracted. But as soon as I'm back, even if I just go to the bathroom for 20 seconds, she throws everything she's holding, opens her huge eyes, and starts to run.

I bend down and wait for her with open arms, and she continues running until she bumps against my chest. It's the best feeling in the world. And one day it will be gone. Soon.

In this blog post from Being Michael's Daddy, Tom's kid greets him with an ambivalent "How did you get here?" Tom comforts himself by saying it's still better than being ignored, but...

I'm not ready for that. I know there's still time. I know. I know I should live in the moment. I know the day will come when I'm ready, when I'm actively encouraging her to show restraint, to show she's independent. That time will come naturally, and it will feel right. My daughter will see me, barely lift her head, barely acknowledge my presence. That's OK.

Until that day comes, though, I remind myself to take pictures.

The Precious Twos
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  1. Thats a lovely post - thankyou for sharing that with us - I have a 7, 9 and 12 year old - they are great but the toddler years are fantastic too. From a baby blogger at

  2. I have to agree, the two's absolutely weren't terrible. Every stage of life has its treasures and troubles. I have 26,000 photos on my that bad?

  3. I loved that age. I miss them but there is so much now that I enjoy (now that they are 9 and 6) too. Enjoy them but get ready for so many other cool things coming your way.

  4. JH, thanks. They weren't lying when they said it all goes by too fast...

  5. anordinarydad, two is a very special age. I remember from my son, how anxious I was because it was so easy and fun, then breathing my premature sigh of relief, thinking the worst was behind me when he turned 3. I had no idea he would learn the word HATE so soon.

  6. jetts31, I know I know... She will go to school and have friends, and she will learn to swim and play an instrument. I know. But this insane transition from baby to toddler is amazing.

  7. My son is 2 1/2 and I love the twos. He certainly asserts his independence more often ("I can do it" is a phrase we hear a lot in the house), but he's also so engaging and fun. I love the twos.

  8. the "I hate you" words from a 4 years old dont frighten me. But you will soon (in 15 years more or less) learn that he will then absolutly ignore you. You are not a part of his world anymore and then it will be sad...
    after that he will have children of his own and he will "kind of" comme closer to you, but it is not the same.
    and then, you will be called to your Lord or something, and then He will be sad.
    and that is how the word goes
    so love him know be sure he loves you very much and dont be sad.

  9. millennialdad, thanks for the mention on your blog. However, my 2-year-old daughter didn't have her nap today, so I'm going to have to review this post. When she misses her naps, she spends the rest of the day a little bit on the angry side...

  10. you know who, I'm not sure who, to be honest. Unless you're my mom. In which case, I didn't ignore you when I was 19! It was 20 years later!

  11. I love this post - what a sweet picture. See you in June!

  12. Thanks!

    Wait. Was I supposed to know about June? Is it my birthday? You know Beth tells me things and I don't listen. Mostly because I always have 14th Century poetry stuck in my head.

    Also, I can't begin to express the joy I felt looking at your Draw Something IGLOO picture.



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