Wednesday, January 26, 2011


A good way to judge a blog is to see how often you want to leave a comment when you read it. When I read a post by Mocha Dad, I usually know halfway through that I will have something to say. Even if I don't always agree with everything he says, I always appreciate his honesty, his great writing, and his love for his family.

In many ways--and I get back to that every once in a while--I believe the "Everything changes when you become a father" warning is absolutely right, other than that it shouldn't be a warning. Your self-identity encounters a modified You, which you must learn to embrace and sometimes to forgive. Things change when you become a father, but your pre-fatherhood experiences will determine what kind of father you will become.

I think about that when I read Mocha Dad. I think you can truly see the man who has become a father and saw that as an opportunity to reflect on his life and to better himself. And you can see the way Mocha Dad uses his experience and the values he has inherited to guide him as a father and maybe more importantly, to guide the next generation in his care.



  1. I'm a big fan of his too - a very under-rated writing style, he just keeps me coming back.

  2. I just read a post of Mocha Dad and I agree to you that his really an unassuming and real writer. The way he writes is so simple, it's like the true emotion converted to text without any other enhancer to give emphasis to strong feelings. You can easily get what he wants to convey.

  3. Hi BloggerFather,

    You've written a nice post for Mocha Dad. I followed your recommendation by visiting his site and I let him know who sent me there. :)

    Like you, the blogs that keep me coming back are the ones whose posts make me want to comment. It's also important to me that the blogger makes an effort to respond to at least some of the comments.

    Re your blog post, I've got to tell you that I loved this sentence: "Things change when you become a father, but your pre-fatherhood experiences will determine what kind of father you will become."


  4. Ah yes, the milestones. I am still trying to figure out which ones are important and then if the important ones are important really at all. I know moms take much more stock in those things generally.

  5. Ray, thanks for the comment. A bit ironic that it took me so long to reply, though... Sorry.

    Cheeseboy, wait! That comment was for the next post, right?



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