Sunday, July 4, 2010

Daddy Geek Boy

Daddy Geek Boy is one of my Twitter discoveries, and the proof that Twitter doesn't stop us from discovering and reading blogs--it helps us get to the good stuff.

Other than being one of the first people to welcome me when I tried out the Twitter thing, DGB really had me at his Atari Joystick avatar. I have a lot of good Atari memories. Good video game memories in general, actually.

I can't say exactly when it happened, but one day all of us turned away from playing soccer to playing video games. With time, Pong turned to Atari, Atari cleared the path for Commodore 64, which made way for my father's PC, which made way for my own PC, then I got a Playstation, and then a Playstations 2, and then... right in the middle of ridding the world of zombies, we had a baby, and I stopped playing.

Other than being one of my Twitter favorites, and other than reminding me of long hours trying to secure my kingdom on Defender of the Crown, DGB's blog is just a simple, honest, and funny blog by a father who--at least that's how I see it--proves that the whole "A child changes everything" is really up to the parent, and that if like to do something before you become a parent, you don't have to forget about it once you hold your baby for the first time.

Honestly, I'm not really in the mood for zombie-killing right now. But my geek days aren't over yet. Sure, there's a long time before we join forces on Resident Evil, and I might wait a while longer before we solve puzzles on a new Silent Hill, but my boy is not far from losing in basketball on Playstation. Or in real life basketball, for that matter.

Fathers who love football make their kids love football. Fathers who love comic books share the best comic books with their kids. A child brings about changes, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean the end of your self-identity, because if it does, you might end up resenting your choices as a father. At least that's the way I see it, I guess.



  1. Daddy Geek Boy is a good egg, in spite of his venom for George Lucas.

  2. Thanks!

    (I actually have way more venom for Michael Bay than Lucas.)

  3. Of course, because Lucas at least has the potential for greatness, while Bay is a phony with a budget.

  4. As they said your son is the extension of yourself, so you also have to share your hobbies to your son whatever it is. It is nice to teach some geeky stuff to your child so that they will bring it as they grow up.

  5. Well said. Sometimes it does take some soul searching to realize that I'm still the man that I used to be. Well, with a lot more lbs. and white hair, of course.

  6. In my kids' defense, I probably got the remaining hair white during the pregnancies.

  7. Maybe you know this already but don't let your child grow up with a computer keyboard as his toy. That's gonna be a big chance for disaster. It's not always all the time but it seems to me the kids today has got nothing on their minds but computers and games right after school and even on weekends.

  8. Well, I think it depends. It's about moderation and about your own involvement. You can introduce technology to your kids and leave them alone for the day, or you can experience their challenges and sense of wonder with them. When I see a kid sitting with his family in a restaurant, and the only thing he's interested in is his video game, I feel bad for the kid, but I don't blame the kid or the game. Some parents just aren't willing to fight for their kids' attention.

  9. Well said. I was going to respond, but you put it much better than I would have.

  10. I like your point about sharing your interests with your children. I have two girls and I see them wanting to be like dad too. I work from home behind a PC all day. We got the girls a toy PC and they love to sit at their desk and "work" too.

  11. Daddy Geek Boy, thanks. It was late, and I was tired, and I was thinking I was doing a bad job and that maybe I should just leave it, but I had to say something.

    Billy, that's funny. It's a two-way street, too. My boy is making me leave the house, meet people, and learn to cook. And one day we'll cook together.



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