Really? I've never mentioned Child's Play x2 before? Sorry about that.
Some fathers (me included? Maybe) play this self-identity game once they become fathers. They look at themselves in the mirror and see a father where they once saw only a man. Maybe they feel a bit threatened by this new identity. Some fathers leave their jobs to stay home and take care of the children, and everything changes. Suddenly they feel they have something to prove.
While others, like Matthew, look at their children and embrace the change.
The sidebar for Child's Play x2 includes some of Matthew's favorite posts. This might be a good place to start. Or you can read his 100 Things list.
Or you can start where I started, with this amazing poem about the meaning of fatherhood.

I'm going to send that poem to my dad...I hope he doesn't cry. It blows my mind how much a parent can love a child, my parents love me so much, I have been Daddy's Little Girl since the first moment he held me, and I feel blessed to have an amazing father.