Thursday, November 19, 2009


I always start with the same sentence: many blogging fathers are already a part of a virtual community, often visiting and commenting on each other's blogs. But just in case you haven't had a chance to visit Spain Dad, go there now and congratulate Kelly and April on their newborn, Teo (that's him in the picture below, asleep in a bucket).

Kelly seems to be going through everything many other fathers are going through: First, being a husband of a pregnant woman, then questioning his self-identity once the first baby is born, dealing with the everyday struggles (and the rewards) of raising a newborn, and then finding himself maturing as a person.

This is stuff we all go through, but Kelly is also an expat. As an expat myself, I always find it easy to relate to others who seem at home in two places, while never fully comfortable in either. Now, even after reading his blog, I'm not sure he feels that way, but I can still relate to the idea of raising a family and creating a home far away from home.

Spain Dad





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