Monday, January 19, 2009


DC Urban Dad
Washington DC is known around the world as the place you may want to skip tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about the new direction for the country, and about Obama as an individual, and about the idea of experiencing it all with more than a million shiny happy people.

But seriously, no strollers? And it's too cold. And I-95 will be crazy. And... Maybe we can still make it?

With that out of the way, here's Matt from DC Urban Dad.

Like many fathers, Matt is trying to lose his pregnancy weight. I actually gained more weight than my wife when she was pregnant, but I assume I'm alone there. I also moved from cigarettes to Snickers bars so maybe that had something to do with it.

But the thing that makes me really feel for the guy is the way he reacts when his 8-month-old baby begins to get more mobile. Because if there's one thing that drives me insane is feeling my head is about to explode, actually hearing my heartbeats as a result of constant worrying on the one hand and physical exhaustion on the other (going up and down those stairs... I should have had that kid when I was fifteen), and then having a well-meaning person look at my baby and say, "Awww, that's the easy age."

But don't worry, Matt. Take it from an experienced father of a much older kid (13 months): every day gets a little more challenging, but every day you carry with you another day of experience.

DC Urban Dad




  1. I appreciate the shout out. Thanks so much. Every few weeks my world is rocked again. It has been a blast. I still have some lbs to drop. Hopefully by the summer months that six pack is set in

  2. We all look back on the times when our kids were younger and think how much easier it was back then. It's a normal response.

    It's very easy for an experienced parent to look at a new parent and say - "Those are easy times you've got going there. Just wait until that baby is 2 or 5 or 15. Then you'll wish you still had the easy days to deal with."

    But the reality is that each age carries with it the good and the bad. There is always something new to learn and always something new to challenge you as a parent.

    It's a beautiful journey that we, as parents, are blessed to travel.

  3. DC, when the treadmill breaks, it's time to worry. Until then you might just have to live with the trauma of having a 2 as a first digit. But you know it's not a big deal.

    Mom, I know. I look at DC worrying about his crawling baby, and meanwhile my baby has just started walking and falling on his face, and I think--You wait... I haven't seen my baby without a bruise on his face for months now.

    But of course you're right. Each age has been (and will be) horribly difficult and incredibly rewarding at the same time.



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