Sunday, November 16, 2008


discovering dad
Man, how do people come up with stuff? I mean, this design takes blogging a few steps forward. Three columns of text could be borderline unreadable, but Discovering Dad is absolutely beautiful. On the left are the posts (the top one changes around every few seconds), the narrow middle column is for whatevers, like polls and a few ads, and a random blog "Surprise Me" button which I have to get, and on the right are pictures, comments, and videos. I'm so jealous.

The guy is serious. With this blog and with another blog (Husbands and Dads), Jeremy stays true to his wish to promote the "interactive nature of blogs, so it will always be a focal point of the site."

discovering dad


  1. Thanks for including my sites on your list! It's awesome to connect with other involved dads throughout the blogging community and beyond! Thanks again!

  2. You're welcome twice. There are more blogging mommies, but we're getting there.

  3. Viva le dads! I have an 18 month old boy called Theo - he's my world :)



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