Tuesday, September 30, 2008


A Blogger and a Father: DadThing
The community is expanding, and obviously it's time to read Jared's DadThing.com

Here's what's going on: It used to be that women were the only caretakers, and over time society automatically adjusted itself to create links between mothers. What am I trying to say...? That even though society has changed, it's still relatively easy for a mother to connect with other mothers to compare, contrast, whine and dine. Even virtual communities of mothers are much bigger and ubiquitous than communities of fathers.

But we're not going to take it anymore! Proud fathers will not stay by the sidelines and let the mothers take all the credit! Parenting is a dad thing, too!

So the community is expanding, and Jared is one of the proud fathers leading the way. Pictures, videos, polls, and guest posts--we're getting bigger.

A Blogger and a Father: DadThing


  1. Hi OM! Thanks for including me, Ace, and DadThing.com! You've got some pretty good Dad blogs listed here! :D

  2. Thanks. Glad you liked it. It wasn't easy to choose my favorite photo. You got a cute one there.



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