Monday, September 8, 2008


dad of divas
None of us really knows what this whole blogging thing is about. We write about our lives and the rest pretty much takes care of itself. Like the creation of a blogging community. One day you write about your fears about being a new father, and the next, someone you've never met before, another first-time father, writes a comment, saying he feels the same. Suddenly you're not alone. A community of fathers has been created.

Chris, writing at Dad of Divas, is a relatively new blogger, but through his involvement in the community of blogging fathers, he helps expand the definition of blogging.

He writes, with the help of other fathers he interviews, instructive posts about the effect moving has on children, he participates in a 365 Flickr projects, he tries to trade up his stuff until he gets a minivan, and he even finds time to write for Discovering Dad.

And living with two daughters and a wife, he tries to make sense of it all. It can't be easy. We're on your side.

dad of divas


  1. ohh its really nice to read such blogs of dedicated dads.. i almost thought there's no such thing! ha.. oh well.. i stand corrected. maybe it has something to do with the geographical location or something..

  2. And they comment on each other's blogs, and create a real sense of community for something that moves faster than history can define: the role of the father.

    I enjoy writing this blog.

    I hope it's not a geographical thing. I hope involved fathers can be found everywhere.

  3. Thanks for the recognition...though it is late of me to provide this... I never realized that you had wrote about me!

  4. Hey, I'm glad you liked it. It's never too late, and of course it's my fault. (and of course I'm not writing this expecting anything. I just write the stuff I like to write about.) I was just starting this blog, pretty much, and I felt it was too early to let people know. So I didn't let people know. I do now, though.



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