Saturday, August 23, 2008


Down With PantsDown With Pants is a little different. In an effort to maintain his pre-fatherhood masculinity, Brandon identifies himself as a "dude" rather than calling himself "a father." Of course, this is a losing battle. Once you're a dad, there's not much you can do to regain the glory of your youth. You can fight it by going to Home Depot and by buying state of the art grills on Craig's List, but your Flickr page says it all--the pizza pictures/baby pictures ratio tells me you're pretty happy letting go and giving in to this girl.

Down With Pants


  1. Thanks for including me. I'm perfectly happy letting go and giving in. Heck, I'm a stay at home dad, I've definitely given in. And really, there wasn't much of a glory of youth for me anyway, I think my best days are still to come.



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